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4 Major Angels In Islam And Their Duties

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Belief in angels-one of the basic beliefs in Islam:

Belief in angels as one of Allah’s creations is among the basic beliefs of Islam. In order to be called a Muslim, you must believe that angels exist as Allah’s obedient servants who carry out His commands and perform duties assigned to them.

Characteristics of angels in Islam:

Islam tells us that Allah created angels out of light. They have been into existence since long before the creation of man. Unlike man, angels do not have a free will. They do not eat, drink or sleep. They do not have any gender. They are Allah’s obedient creatures who have been worshiping Him ever since their creation. The Holy Quran tells about angels:

“They do not disobey Allah's commands that they receive; they do precisely what they are commanded"(Quran 66:6).

They have been created to perform their duties as assigned with respect to the physical world as well as the unseen world, along with worshiping Allah. The number of angels that exist is known only to Allah. Allah has granted great powers to His angels so that they can perform their tasks.

4 major angels in Islam and their duties:

Although the exact number of Allah’s angels is unknown, but we have faith in four special angels of Allah who perform major duties as assigned by Allah. These are the four major angels in Islam:

1. Hazrat Gabriel (AS):

Hazrat Gabriel (AS) is the angel who was assigned the task of communicating Allah’s messages to his prophets. He was the angel who appeared before Hazrat Maryam (AS) to give her the glad tiding of Hazrat Isa (AS). He appeared before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with Allah’s message when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was meditating in the cave of Hira. Thereafter, he used to visit the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in different forms of human beings. In the Holy Quran, Hazrat Gabriel (AS) has been referred to as ruh al-Amin, ruh al-Qudus and rasulun karim.

2. Hazrat Israfeel (AS):

Hazrat Israfeel (AS) is the angel who has been assigned the task of blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment. He is also known as the angel of Soor, the Trumpet. He will blow the Trumpet twice. In the first time, the Doomsday would happen. On the second blow, everyone shall be resurrected.

3. Hazrat Azrael (AS):

Also known as Malak-ul-Maut, Hazrat Azrael (AS) has been assigned the duty of taking out the soul from the body after death. The Holy Quran tells us:

Say: "The Angel of Death, put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls: then shall ye be brought back to your Lord." (Surah as-Sajda)

4. Hazrat Mikail (AS):

Hazrat Mikail (AS) is the angel of Allah who has been assigned the task of maintaining the natural events that sustain life on Earth by the order of Allah. These tasks include pouring rainfall, changing seasons, the blowing of wind and managing the supplications of Allah’s creations.

These were the four major angels who perform some of the major duties as authorized by Allah. However, there are many other angels as well for example the angels of Kiraman Katibin. These angels are assigned to every human being to record his deeds. The good deeds are recorded by the angel on the right shoulder while the bad deeds are recorded by the angel on the left shoulder. These angels will present the record of the person’s conduct throughout his life to Allah on the Day of Judgment. Similarly, there are angels who appear before the dead person in his grave. These angels are known as Nakir and Munkir.

To sum up, there are countless angels as created by Allah as a proof of His divine ability and magnificence of creation for the believers.

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